The current Front-end of Lychee is using Tailwindcss, AlpineJS, TypeScript and Blade templates. In order to modify it you will need to recompile it.
In order to compile the front-end, you have to install the following dependencies:
Node.js v20.0.0 or laternpm
Node Packaged ModulesAfter installing Node.js you can use the included npm
package manager to download all dependencies:
npm install
In order to generate the front-end visual you will need to run the following:
npm run dev
This will create the files required to run Lychee.
When running in production, you should use instead:
npm run build
This will create a public/build
folder with the associated files.
To ease your development, some pain points are to be considered:
{tip} Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on Github!