· ildyria · Active Development · 1 min read
Bite-size v6: Header fixes
Bite-size v6 is a series of small post showing the progress made on the development of the future version of Lychee.

In my previous post, I mentionned I was not happy with the header, especially on mobile devices. I am happy to say that I found a nice compromise.
When switching to mobile, the long title is replaced by “Albums” and all the buttons are placed in a speed dial menu.
Similarly when logged out.
The “Return to home” Link is replaced with a house button and the long title replaced by the translated Albums.
After checking most of the functions, I noticed that we are still missing the following:
- The support of gps tracks
- The selection of header image in albums (plus misc I may have forgotten).
- Easy set/unset of visible smart albums (and probably fix some v5 bugs in the unsorted one).
- The support of Dropbox
- More easy to the eye in the Settings page.