· ildyria · Active Development · 1 min read
Bite-size v6: Settings and coverage
Bite-size v6 is a series of small post showing the progress made on the development of the future version of Lychee.

After a week of vacation and seeing the family, I am back on Lychee. As we soft launched the alpha on docker, we are getting some feedback such as that the all settings tab is too complex and too heavy for normal user. The basic settings are here to stay, it is just that I haven’t had the time fix the panel. On the other hand, by switching the values to the right and label to the left, we declutered the interface significantly.
One of the value of LycheeOrg is High quality software see our team page. For this reason we are now able to release two versions of Lychee v6. One with the legacy fallback and one without, the conversion is easilly done with a simple bash script. Nonetheless, by removing those legacy hooks, we identified pain points for the future and fixed them.
Continuing on this track, I increased the code coverage to 80% by adding tests. The Codecov integration will now guarantee that no future pull requests fall under that threshold.